Chapter 13
—In any case, isn’t it time we got to work?
Up to now, we have been quiet and submissive so as not to come off as troublemakers.
Sure have—All we’ve done so far outside of chatting it up with Knights is go sightseeing.
We said we’d go play detective for them, but we haven’t actually done anything for real.
But I’m having fun eating some real tasty food, so if you ask me it’s fine if we stay like this forever.
However, if we want to get through the SS Qualifying Rounds, we’ll need to start earning SSL$.
Nah, we’re good for now.
Yanno how the nail that sticks out gets hammered back down? If we put ourselves out there too early, we’re just gonna draw attention and get beat to a pulp.
‘Specially if it’s us—Everyone and their dog have a grudge against us. We gotta go forward thinking everyone’s looking for an excuse to pick a fight with us.
Uhh yeah, aren’t you just being paranoid? Nobody’s got their eyes on us anymore, do they~?
Not everyone’s like you and lives their life focused only on what’s right in front of them, Niki.
Sure as sugar. Love may dwindle, but nobody ever forgets a grudge.
‘S why all them vengeful spirits pop out all across the world.
Once you’re the one gettin’ stepped on, or once you make friends with the one gettin’ stepped on, it ain’t no small task gettin’ back up again.
Exactly! Just like Anego says ♪
Oopsie daisy. I’m s’posed to just be a convenient alibi for my li’l bro, so I shouldn’t be buttin’ in too much. I’ll shut up.
He’s always gettin’ crabby with me… Says I get a li’l too giddy ‘bout controllin’ other people’s lives.
And sure, but gettin’ to watch big strong men dance around for me’s a pleasure an’ a half… ♪
—Well, it is difficult to make any moves until the real Oukawa returns.
HiMERU imagines you would find it difficult to imitate an idol, even if you have transformed yourself splendidly, Miss Oukawa.
Oh naw, I’d be able to do it much better than Kohaku.
But well, that’s not really my responsibility now, is it?
This is your fight, after all. Y’all shouldn’t go relyin’ on others—on me—to boost your fightin’ power.
Right, right. All’s ya gotta do is be careful, Anego; we don’t want anyone seeing through your disguise until Kohaku-chan comes home to us ♪
So why don’tcha use that money I gave ya to go sightseeing? Go wild!
How generous. This’s a pretty laid-back job, huh? But I gotta say, it’s a lot more fun for me to watch all the dumb crap y’all pull instead.
That said, I dunno when they’ll find me out… So I’ll keep hidden someplace ‘til Kohaku comes back.
That would help us immensely. Especially now that we’ve formed an alliance with Knights and the opportunity for you to meet with one of your relatives has risen considerably.
It’s best that you keep yourself hidden on the off-chance he might suspect you.
You think just ‘cause he’s my kin, he’d be able to see who I really am straight away?
It’s ‘cause of all those delusions like we’re taught in fairy tales that people still get caught up in bank transfer scams even today.
You think that little Suou brat’s gonna see through my disguise? He ain’t no different from any other head of the Suou house—
Just another naked king. Can’t even see that everyone’s laughin’ at him, lookin’ down on him.
Just ‘cause he’s up in that ivory tower of his, he gets so full of himself thinkin’ he’s the king of the rock.
Well, it looks like he was brought up well… but ain’t that Suou kid the head of your clan, Anego? What gives you the right to talk about him like that?
Uh? What, you gonna tell me I oughta bow my head to the chief or somethin’?
Don’t make me laugh. This is the twenty-first century, boy.
…Well, you’re not wrong. In this country, everyone’s s’posed to be equal, right? On the surface, at least.
Fufu, you’re quite the talker, Rinnie. …Kohaku gets real comfy ‘round people like you.
Well, it’s no skin off my back. I get the gist of things now. I’ll lay low for a while longer, so lemme know when Kohaku’s back.
If that’s your plan, you wanna go sightseeing together, Sakura-nee-san? It’d be pretty sus if just Kohaku was off on his own, so we should prolly stick together—
Nope. Thanks for the invite, but I got my plate full.
Let’s make this flower of darkness bloom… As y’all would say, we’re in the middle of the greatest gamble of our lives.