Chapter 1
Ain’t Nazuna-nii a little late? The live’s startin’ in just thirty more minutes~
Kagehira. Quit your fidgeting; it’s unpleasant. …Actually, let me rephrase: it’s vulgar.
You cannot lose focus even when no one is watching. Valkyrie must always be the pinnacle of refinement.
If you’re too unsightly, I will not allow you on my stage.
Whether a failed piece of work like you is here or not is of little consequence.
Ngah, sorry, Oshi-san? I just get all restless when I’m standin’ still for too long. You mind if I go walkin’ around for a li’l bit?
Don’t just move around as you please. And besides, I’m sure you’ll forget what you’re meant to be doing the moment you step outside.
Stay within my line of vision. I’m worried you’ll dirty your clothes.
Ngah? Oshi-san, you’re worried about me~? That makes me real happy… ♪
Not you, your clothes. Just how much effort do you think I put into making that outfit?
If on the off-chance something does happen to them, are you prepared to take responsibility?
It wouldn’t be something so simple as washing out a stain—Understood?
Ngaaah… But I’m glad we got matchin’ outfits, Oshi-san. Y’make new clothes for us every live we do.
I love that feeling of puttin’ on new clothes~ ♪
But these one’re gonna be our standard costumes, right? Wow~ …They’re so nice, they make me feel like some kinda antique doll ♪
I’m not one for nostalgia, but I refuse to accept the notion that “new” is somehow “better.”
I’m quite familiar with outfits of this kind, and I imagine I’m the only one who can make this all on my own ♪
Ngah, y’even made a matchin’ dress for Maddie! It’s so cute~ ♪
Yes, yes, praise me more!
I did design it specifically for my cute little Mademoiselle, so it’s only natural that it would suit her.
As for you… Well, I suppose it looks good on you. Your only merit is in your looks, after all.
Huh, really? I’m glad~ Oshi-san gave me a compliment~… ♪
Quit jumping around. You might snag your clothes on something. How careless can you be?
Ngaaaah?! Y’scared me… How long ya been there, Nazuna-nii? You’re super late, y’had me worried for a sec.
Ahhhhh y’don’t gotta bow or nothin’! I’m younger’n you, so I dunno what I’m s’posed to do if you go lowerin’ your head to me like thaaat?
Ngah, don’t go touchin’ it, ‘kay? D’ya like the outfit? ‘S gonna be Valkyrie’s standard costumes—There’s one for you too, Nazuna-nii~ ♪
…… ♪
Yeah, I think they’re pretty too! I’m sure it’s gon’ look great on ya~ ♪
Kagehira. Be quiet for a moment. …You’re late, Nito.
Well, you made it here just in time, so it’s fine. Now hurry and get changed; your clothes are right over there.
Oh, but you might have some trouble putting it on yourself—Let me help you.
Ahhh, Nito. Nito, Nito, Nito… ♪ My dear, lovely marionette so tuned to perfection! Even today you are without flaw… ☆
You are a miracle bestowed upon us by the gods themselves! Très bien!
How vexing that I must display your brilliance for the masses to see; if I could, I would keep you all to myself… ♪
However, the circumstances do not allow for that.
Lately, some pesky insects have been buzzing around—I plan to crush them thoroughly. And for that, I need you.
But not to worry! It’ll all be over soon.
fine, was it…? I had wondered what kind of person the distinguished heir to the Tenshouin house might be, but it seems in the end, he’s nothing more than a spoiled brat playing make-believe.
That unit is not Valkyrie’s enemy. And as for those other philistines, well… There’s no need to pay them any mind.
We’ll scatter them about, crush them to pieces, and stuff them into some cheap toy ♪
Even that group of eccentrics they’ve started calling the Five Oddballs—the one they’ve lumped me into…
Even they appear to be merely observing us for now. There really is nothing in this world that can end our reign!
Just a little more… A little more, and this world will finally achieve a state of perfection, a glorious museum under my control.
It won’t be long now; be patient for but a moment in time.
Nito—my lovely Nito… I shall put you on display in a perfectly flawless world, without dust nor grime.
I only need to prepare your showcase first.
If you’re not willing to toil over your work, you’re missing a crucial step. It may be troublesome, but there is simply no other way to achieve perfection.
Sift out the weak and the foolish… Yes, only the beautiful and the worthy will be taken to heaven.
Now, let the curtain rise on this delightful marionette theater~ …Kakakaka ♪