Main Story: !! Era – Great War

122: Stains

Hiiro Icon

…Are you satisfied with being a slave, Nii-san?

Rinne Icon

Hey now, Brosef, don’t just take my words at face value. Like I said before, this is an era of democracy—

The people are the protagonists here. And it’s the ones who can curry favor with the people and excite ‘em, who let themselves be used even if they have to bend over and kiss some ass—They’re the ones who’ll come out on top and control all the other slaves.

The first step’s to climb up there. And Crazy:B’s gonna become the king of slaves.

And then, after gaining all sorts of money and power, we’ll have the chance to rebel against our masters.

In today’s world, where everyone’s all about about freedom and equality, a slave rebellion sounds pretty “correct” to me.

Maybe we can even take over the world—‘course, with society as crazy and complicated as it is, I couldn’t even dream of everything going as I planned it out now, could I?

But if all goes well, if we win this little bet of ours… then I’ll get to be the king. Not just of that little podunk place we call our hometown, but of the whole world.

We’ve set our course for the sake of that bet—And the die’s been cast.

If you’re not gonna help us out, Brosef, then at least stay outta our way—run on back home.

Our hometown’s nothing more than a shitty, good-for-nothing miniature garden. But if you stay holed up there—at least it’s peaceful.

I got no choice in the matter ‘cause I was born a king. But at least I want my cute li’l brother to live in peace and quiet, ya dig?

Hiiro Icon


Niki Icon

Heeey, Rinne-kun, how long are you gonna stand there talking? I’m pretty sure if we don’t get back on stage like, now, we won’t be able to start our next song.

Rinne Icon

Oops, I’m outtie. Things sure do move fast in the city… My bad Niki, but can you go on without me? I got one last thing to say to my brosef here.

Niki Icon

Huh…? Well, whatever. Just hurry it up.

Pretty par for the course, but I didn’t actually care enough to bother with the lessons—I’m just trying to blend in as best I can, so if this drags on too long it won’t be a pretty sight.

Rinne Icon

It’s insane how you can keep up while only putting in the bare minimum! You’re seriously a genius, Niki… Nah, just like your name, you’re a goddess of victory ♪1

Niki Icon

Cut it out! You know you’re wasting your time looking at me all twinky-eyed like that, right? You’re so gross!

But yeah, whatever. I’ve gotten used to all this. I’m going back to the stage now—

Wait, huh?

Um, hey, you ALKALOID guys, is that yummy-looking guy not here today?

Aira Icon

Yummy-looking? Uh, who?

Tatsumi Icon

I assume he means Mayoi-san, since he’s the only one absent.

Hiiro Icon

Oh. Mayoi-senpai wasn’t feeling well, so he went outside to get some fresh air.

This happens a lot, so he probably won’t show up again today—Why, did you need something from him?

Niki Icon

Nope, nothing at all. I’m just starved, so I thought I’d take a whiff of him to try and drown out my hunger.

Rinne Icon

Hey now Niki, you havin’ an affair with that guy? If you’re so hungry, why not chow down on my arm or leg, or whatever you like ♪

Niki Icon

No need, you look like you taste like booze.

…Welp, buh-bye ♪

Rinne Icon

Gh—he got away. I aaaalways feel bad taking his stuff, but he never lets me give anything back, either—

Ah, whatevs. We’re in the middle of a song, so I’ll head back to the stage. But one last thing before I go.

Hey, Brosef. I’m just checkin’ here, but did you do everything I told you to?

Hiiro Icon

Yes. I did the best I could.

But everyone’s been put on high alert about Crazy:B, so the possibilities of them performing at Idol Royale seem really low.

I even received a message from Chiaki-senpai, apologizing and saying it might be difficult.

Rinne Icon

Hmm. Okay, I got it. Whatever will be, will be.

Thanks, Brosef. Tickles me pink to know you’re still a good little kid, listenin’ to everything I say.

Aira Icon

Hang on a sec… What? What’re you talking about? Hiro-kun, did your brother tell you to do something?

(Speaking of. When I saw him the other day, he was acting weirdly suspicious… Hiro-kun?)

Rinne Icon


Aira Icon

(Eep?! Amagi Rinne just flew on stage with a giant leap! He’s just as unnaturally athletic as Hiro-kun is—What is up with these brothers?)

(He even almost stepped on one of the guests, but he didn’t seem to care at all! He said all that stuff about buttering them up like a slave, but I can’t trust that at all!)

(But the audience is actually getting excited about all this reckless and provocative stuff he’s doing…)

(Everyone’s here to see Crazy:B, so maybe they’d have been disappointed if they stayed in line and gave a more serious performance?)

(I hate this. There’s just something about the—the vibes here that I can’t handle at all. Is this what idols are like?)

(Idols are supposed to be a source of comfort and enjoyment for people like me who have nowhere to go, right?)

(Like a nice friend you can have fun with, or a member of your family…?)

Tatsumi Icon

Aira-san? Are you okay? You don’t look very good…

Hiiro Icon

Yes. Did you get sick like Mayoi-senpai earlier? I can carry you outside on my back if you’d like.

Aira Icon

I–I’m fine… I’m Shiratori Aira, the idol otaku. I’d never get sick just watching idols perform on stage.

They’re what I love more than anything in the world, this is the place where I’m happiest—

(But… right now, that glittering, sparkling stage I love so much…)

(I feel like it’s being tainted by the intense influence Crazy:B has.)

  1. The Greek goddess of victory, Nike, is actually ニーケー (niikee) in Japanese but like, whatever. It’s Rinne. He does what he wants.
