Ughh… I can’t believe Hibiki-senpai has to work on Eichi Day. We promised we were gonna go to the aquarium together!
Oh dear. Am I not enough to fill the hole Wataru’s absence has left in your heart, Tori?
Huh? No, it’s not like that, Eichi-sama! I’m happy going anywhere as long as I get to hang out with you ♪
It’s just that I was really looking forward to going to the aquarium with all four of us…
There isn’t anything we can do about it this time, Sir. Hibiki-sama’s troupe had an emergency and needed someone to fill in for a regional performance.
Yeah, yeah. I get it—work comes first.
That’s right. It’s a shame Wataru can’t come along, but we can give that a raincheck and do it next time. We can still enjoy our holiday with just the three of us.
Yeah, I know.
Ehehe~ Then I’ll be your escort for the whole day, Eichi-sama!
Fufu, I’m looking forward to it ♪
Now then, what would you both like to do today?
Do you have anything in mind, Eichi-sama?
Hmm, let’s see…
Ah, I’ve got it. There’s actually someplace I’ve been wanting to go—
Hmm… This is a shopping mall.
Eichi-sama, did you really wanna come here?
I did. I thought it would be nice to go shopping today.
Shopping… I wouldn’t even think that the Tenshouin family would have any need to do their own shopping. So what purpose does this serve?
You’re correct, but I must say, being taken to a salon just to stare at products as a shopkeep ushers them in… it gets quite dull after a while, wouldn’t you agree?
But one time after I’d just graduated from Yumenosaki, I visited Hajime-kun and some others at a shopping mall while they were performing a live…1
After the live, we all went shopping together, and I really enjoyed myself. So I was hoping to share that enjoyment with the both of you.
Oh wow, I didn’t know anything about that. But I’m so happy you want to let me experience things you had fun doing too… ☆
Fufu, I’m happy you’re happy.
I understand now why you chose this location. If that’s what you desire, I’ll be sure to support you the best I’m able.
Yes, I’ll be counting on you. I also heard that nowadays there’s a system that allows the customer themself to operate a cash register… I believe it’s called self-checkout?
It sounds fun. I’ve always wanted to try out that machine just once… ♪
Whoa, that exists?! I wanna try too!
Then we can try together.
Umm… I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it doesn’t look as though the shops here have self-checkout as an option…
Fufufu~ We did soooo much shopping! I’m gonna show off the outfit Eichi-sama picked out for me on the next Eichi Day!
I can’t wait to see it.
You asked us to come to this coffee shop after we finished shopping, EIchi-sama. Is there something you wanted here?
There is. I’d like to try this.
Wait, there’s something you wanna try? Lemme see the menu too ♪ Where is it…
Huh?! You wanna eat this?
Yes. I heard about this Dream Jumbo Parfait on social media and wanted to try it.
However, I’m sure you can see that it’s far too big for me to eat on my own, so I thought we could all eat it together.
It seems that if you eat this parfait in a group, it will grant a wish. I’ve heard it actually worked for some people.
Fufu, I know it’s quite the nonsensical story, but I thought it sounded interesting. I want to wish for fine’s continued success, as well as for our dreams to come true… ♪
This looks nearly four times larger than a normal-sized parfait… I feel full just looking at the picture of it…
We shouldn’t gorge ourselves. And not to mention, there’s the possibility that your body could fail you for a while if you eat all of this, Eichi-sama.
Oh my, you’re as strict as ever.
How about you, Tori? You have a sweet tooth, right?
Um… well… I mean…
Oh? I don’t mean to be rude, but I thought you would have begged and whined for this parfait… What caused your change of heart?
Umm, Eichi-sama. Do you really wanna eat this parfait right now?
Hmm, no, I don’t mind either way. But I’m confused; why do you ask?
It’s just. Well, you wanna wish for our dreams, right? So everyone in fine… Wouldn’t it be better if all four of us ate it together?
So I think we should come back to eat it when Hibiki-senpai can come with.
…Ah, I see. You’re exactly right, Tori.
Then we’ll save this challenge for the next Eichi Day, when we can bring Wataru along ♪